Friday, January 16, 2015

I Just Don't Know

Yesterday I found out a lot of things. I found out my scrubber shipped. I found out my Gracie has a math test tomorrow & she didn't do well on the practice one. Math is her weakest subject-it was my strongest. Julia is slowly learning sign language. From personal experience this will help her speech improve a lot. Bailey, my 3 year old, also told me something shocking. Jaw dropping, dead stare, not breathing for what felt like forever, not knowing if I should cry or go on a rampage shocking.

Gracie LOVES to read. She would choose reading/language arts (that's what they call it now instead of English) over any other subject any day. They have this IXL site that they do in school & at home. It's just math & "language arts." Last night I made her sit down & do nothing but the subjects that were on the test. She hated me. I wouldn't let her do "language arts." I tried to help her with how I was taught, which is really easy. She wasn't understanding. Why? Because they do it so confusing now & add in too much unneeded steps. They also teach them in this weird way moving block tens over to ones & then counting up or down. I don't know.

Shawna came & we talked about the word's Julia has. I've been working on her with signing more, eat, drink, & all done. She looks at me crazy. Shawna starts signing more & all done. Julia signed more once & was done. She had that, you're all crazy, look on her face.

Bailey. *sigh* Without going into too much detail because this is very personal I'll try my best to explain. Right now this is between my family & her dads. To those of my family members I haven't told yet it's for a reason. Don't bombard me with questions. Bailey's dad & I were married. Clearly we divorced. She goes with him every other weekend. Sometimes 2 weekends in a row or a little longer than a few days. She loves her dad. She loves being with him. She does not like his girlfriend. Last night she told me she didn't want to go to her dads today because she was scared. She told me something about his girlfriend that a 3 year old would not be able to make up (not sexual abuse either). I reached out to her dad. A 3 year old doesn't know how to lie. 3 year old's pretend to play house & pretend to be animals. The make believe they are princesses, moms, dads, monsters, dinosaurs. They are loving & gentle. His girlfriend has never been too fond of Bailey. I was told by her dads sister that one time he walked out of the house to get something & Bailey cried like the world was ending. She thought he was leaving her there with his girlfriend. Bailey does not have separation anxiety. She tells EVERYONE hi. She waves & smiles to EVERYONE. She looks at strangers like they are friends. I can't begin to tell you how many people she has made smile & laugh. She doesn't like his girlfriend. That right there should be a red flag because she likes everyone. Last night was the icing on the cake. Her dad isn't happy. I don't like his girlfriend & he knows that. I've always had a bad feeling about her. We do not talk about her in front of Bailey, at all. This, this is something I would not make up, no matter how bad I hated her, just to get her out of the picture. I want her dad to be happy. My main concern is the safety of my child(ren) & she is toxic. For him & for Bailey. 

I need to hunt the good now because I'm going to start getting mad all over again. Gracie is great at anything she puts her mind to. I need to push her a little more when it comes to math. I know if she focuses on doing math & not about the next book she's going to read she'll do great. I know she can do it. I remind her to slow down, take your time & focus. Her mind is creative & loving. She is not a number cruncher.
Julia started signing more last night, on her own. HUGE step forward! Then she was sitting on the couch & wanted Bailey to sit with her. She kept yelling ah at her. Bailey wasn't responding. Finally she yelled BEELEY. Bailey turned around & said what? She patted the couch next to her & Bailey climbed up.
Bailey's dad didn't think I was just making stuff up. I'm a jerk but I would not sink this low. He knows that too. I don't play around about this stuff either. 
My scrubber will be here today.
My kids are alive, healthy, loved, happy & safe.

When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile. -Author Unknown

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