Wednesday, January 7, 2015

A Few Days Late & A Few Dollars Short

Ok. So I know that's not the saying but I mean well. Yes I am a few days late so I have a lot to make up for. We didn't go to Walmart on New Years Day. My son started a new medication that morning. From about noon on he was having a very bad day. He was very irritable, mean, & everything was annoying him. Literally everything. It's like I was living with Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde. That day I kept reminding myself that it's a new medication, his body has to get used to it. The good stuff was that he was alive, we know what's going on, & we're just trying to find the right medication for him. Also that dad would be home in a few hours from work & I would be able to get a mental break.

January 2nd.
Medication administered in the morning. Crossing my fingers that today is not the same as the day before. It wasn't. It was the complete opposite. Liam was very anxious, he was worried about everything. Bailey was behind the couch (you can walk behind it) & he was worried about that. I got him in the tub to play since water calms him down. Big mistake! He went from anxious to hyper. He couldn't stop moving..his arms, his legs, his mouth. Just kept talking and talking and talking. When the hubs got home from work I tried to escape to the bathroom to give my ears a break. As I sit there playing games Liam opens the door to talk to me. What have I created?!?! The good stuff? He was happy. He wasn't angry or annoyed. He was playing with his sisters & having a good time. As I write this I cry because that is what our goal is for Liam. Minus the super hyperness.

January 3rd
It was actually a pretty good day. We all stayed home watching TV and being lazy. Until I ran to Walmart to pick up some things for Bailey's first day of preschool on Tuesday. Even though there was nothing negative I still found the positive. I was with family. We were healthy & happy.

January 4th
Another day of just doing close to nothing. I still had to cook do dishes. :( The weather started to really get cold so we had to pull out the dogs boots & hoodie again for when we take her outside. Found out about 8pm my husbands flight for tomorrow was canceled. The good stuff? My husband was able to get another flight to Chicago Monday evening. So he will be able to go Bailey & Julia's check up appointment with us. Since he was home we were able to go & get a new debt card ordered for him.

January 5th
We went to Walmart (yes I go there a lot, there is really no other place to go here lol) because I had to return a Lego creator that Liam got 2 of for Christmas. I also had to pick up some stuff to make a homemade detangler for Bailey. Her curly hair is always knotted in the morning. Went and got Cory's card ordered & faxed a letter over a discrepancy in my account. I was charged for something I should have never been charged for. Got McDonalds & went home. Soon after we got home Cory had to leave to go to the airport. We won't see him until Friday evening. Time for some goodies. The return line at Walmart was well, only one person in front of me that was 20 seconds from being done. We got everything we needed done at the bank quickly. We got McDonalds & the reason for Cory's leave is to finish his training for Dish. It's need so he has a job. And he made it to Chicago safely.

January 6th
Got the kids to school after a rush to get them all ready. Not use to getting three kids ready for school in the morning! Went grocery shopping with 3 helpers- Julia & the 2 kids I babysit. Other than that not much went on. Goodies- Bailey had a great first day of school. I got enough food for at least the week & I got to talk to Cory (he left his chargers here).

Today has started out on a bad foot. I'll save that for later since the day has just begun. Stay warm folks! It's -35 here with the windchill.

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