Usually in the mornings the kids all get up at the same time. Yesterday was the exception. Liam was up before my alarm went off. That's not a surprise. I had to go in & wake up Gracie & Bailey. Gracie is usually already up reading. Bailey is hit and miss; sometimes she's up, sometimes she's not. After I turn the light on & say Gracie get up it usually wakes Julia. Not yesterday morning. She was out hard. This was a good thing, at the time. I was able to get the older 3 ready for school & myself ready for the day. I got the girls on the bus. Liam has OT on Wednesday mornings so I take him to school after. Then it hit me. Crap, Julia is still sleeping. I wanted to be out the door by 8 because I wanted to stop & get a few groceries before his appointment. I rush upstairs & I have to wake her. Any parent, well most people, know you
NEVER wake a sleeping baby. Great. I get her dressed & off we go. Get to the store & Liam wanted in the cart that was this car thing in place of the seat with steering wheels. It held two, I wasn't going to fight. I put them in. That was so hard to push. I ran into a few things. The kids laughed & were "driving." I kept saying turn the wheel!! Making them think they were driving. It was cute. I don't regret it. Get to the van. Julia starts throwing a fit because she doesn't want out & in her carseat. Off we go to his OT. Julia was no longer crying. She was playing with the toys & coloring with Liam. He went back with his therapist about 10 minutes after. We ended up getting there early. So much for rushing. -_- About 25 minutes in she starts getting crabby. She's mad because I won't let her play with the handicap button to open the door & I won't let her leave. With 15 minutes left the fit starts. Screaming, crying, kicking, throwing herself backwards, hitting me in the face. I tried so hard to calm her & get her focused on something else. It didn't work. Everyone was understandable. This is a pediatric therapy place we were at. Many kids with different disabilities come through there. This one lady kept staring & glaring. I'm getting mad & wanted so badly to ask what she was staring at. I have 4 kids. She's hitting the terrible twos early. I know what I'm doing, no need to look at me like I'm a stupid teenager. I know I look like I'm extremely young but I'm not. I'm praying for time to fly. Speed up. We leave, she throws fit getting in carseat, ends up falling asleep, drop Liam off, pick up Bailey, go home. Julia wakes up when I get her out. She seems happy though. No. No. No. I'm wrong. Dead wrong. She is the crabbiest crab in the world. Eat lunch, lay her down for a nap.
THIS will do the trick. Nope. Dead wrong, again. Cory gets home earlier than I was expecting. THANK YOU LORD! I had been praying since after she woke up from her nap that he would get home about 5 & not close to 7/7:30.
The goodness out of all of this starts now. Daddy got home. We weren't as crabby. I got a break since she wanted him. Liam was actually playing with Bailey. That was more than good. That was great. He's usually being a brat to her. They were laughing & having a great time. My kids are alive & healthy. The stress of today won't carry over to tomorrow. There will be new stresses but not these ones. Julia stayed up later than normal. She wasn't crabby by bed time. All it took was dada.
Today she's not crabby. She's running around being goofy. Time for me to end this. Shawna (Julia's speech therapist) will be here soon.
In times of great stress or adversity, it's always best to keep busy, to plow your anger and your energy into something positive. -Lee Iacocca
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