The heading...what? I'll explain it later on. Warning foul language (no f bombs..I don't drop f bombs).
As for this weekend...It was kind of a weird it went by so fast, everything seems like a blur & I was off by one day all weekend. Cory had work Saturday so that threw me off bad making it feel like a Friday. Saturday the kids & I watched Netflix all day. Everyone was cranky so after lunch I declared rest time. Gracie was reading in her bed, Bailey was in her crib, Liam was in his bed & Julia was in the pack & play. Time for me to relax & watch what I want to. That did not happen. No one rested. Liam wouldn't leave the girls alone because he wanted to play. He was in their room bugging Gracie & making Bailey laugh. He kept coming downstairs which kept Julia awake. I gave up. One of the times on the rare occasion Liam was upstairs & I had walked into the kitchen Julia yelled "Liam." It was clear as day! She did it three times. This is huge since she doesn't say many words. We did not expect Liam to be the first name of her siblings she'd say since the L is usually the hardest. But, Liam is said quite a lot in this house. haha That & Cory getting home right as supper was finished were the best parts of my day. They were the good stuff.
Sunday we all went grocery shopping. 2 adults, 4 kids. We have it mastered. Some trips are better than others. No matter what though the longer we are there the more antsy Liam & Bailey become. This one was different. It started not even 10 minutes in. They started fighting so I took Bailey out of the car thing on the one cart & put her in mine. Julia fell asleep, Gracie kept walking in front of me & off to the side almost walking into people. Liam had to touch e v er y t h i n g. It hasn't been this bad in a long time. Stop touching that, don't be so loud, stop taking your boots off was said a lot out of us. People were looking at us. Some were giving us dirty looks. Some like, I can't believe they are brave enough to grocery shop with 4 kids. The majority smiled at us or chuckled at Bailey who was being goofy & telling everyone hi (she does this everywhere we go). In the end we got everything we needed. We survived. And we are now up to $0.45 off a gallon of gas! I'm hoping to get that higher so one day we can get gas for like $1 or cheaper. Lol
Monday, Monday, so good to me. Monday morning, it was all I hoped it would be. Ok, maybe not. But that song popped into my head. Since Cory was off he tagged along on our adventures yesterday. I made him only because I had to take 3 reallllly heavy boxes to UPS & I didn't want to carry them (I had to return Liam's online school stuff since he won't be able to do that). Come on though, that's what he's for! He was a good sport. :) We got everything except one thing done. Finding a box big enough to send Bailey's old carset to send to my sissa & sending it. For a late lunch we stopped at Culvers. However, not to long after eating Cory & I both got sick to our stomachs. I felt like I was going to throw up & he, well lets just say he couldn't stay off the pot. :( The food was delicious though! Love eating there because the food is not greasy at all. The thought of making supper made me sick. The kids understood & had no problem eating leftovers. We also made the decision to get rid of Tito. It was a hard choice to make & the kids were upset. We just can't have him. We wanted to find a family member who would take him so the kids could still see him first. Cory's aunt & uncle in Wisconsin said they would! They have a farm & Tito (he was a farm cat) would be better as a farm cat. He just wasn't meant to be indoors. That made the kids really happy. :) And us too.
Ok, now to explain the title. Last night I was told I excessively explain myself & thoroughly explain my life on MY facebook. Well, if I do it's because it's my facebook & I'll post whatever I want. They also said that if people are weighing me down & are that rude to tell them to get the !$%@ over it. In my posts I add what some people may comment with what would be their opinion. Not saying they will but this way they don't have to. This person also said I was bitching about people bitching. No one was bitching & if I were it'd be longer & a bit harsh. This one wasn't. If people don't like what I have to say in my posts & complain about my posts. Not including the ones that are my opinion & people can express theirs. Example should you vaccinate or not. They can comment but honestly, just keep scrolling. They also said the were going to delete me because I explain myself in my posts & she can live without seeing how wonderful of a mom I am. Well, thank you for thinking I'm a wonderful mom. I tru! However. I am I sooooooo heartbroken over this. Rolls eyes. No need to tell me, just do it. Chances are I won't realize.
Sorry so long. I need to stop waiting a few days to post lol
How would your life be different if you stopped making negative judgmental assumptions about people you encounter? Let today be the day you look for the good in everyone you meet and respect their journey. -Steve Maraboli
We are judging everything, we are learning nothing. -Steve Maraboli
By judging others we blind ourselves to our own evil and to the grace which others are just as entitled as we are.-Dietrich Bonhoeffer
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