Saturday, January 17, 2015

Every Little Thing, Is Gonna Be Ok

First and foremost, Bailey's dad is taking the right steps needed for the situation at hand.

This post is nothing but good stuff. It comes from months of negativity. Months with days of me thinking I was getting no where. Months with days where I wanted to give up. Many, many tears. I lost my son. I just wanted him back. I'm crying as I type this.

Liam's new medicine is slowly working. Well, I guess I could say it's helping, a lot. He's still having anger problems but it's not nearly as bad or as often. Yesterday when I gave him a snack after school & told him that was all he was getting until supper he stayed calm. He didn't throw a fit. I noticed too that he was roughhousing. Mind you, Liam is not 100% aware of his strength. He was getting a little rough. He wasn't doing it to be mean. He was playing. When Liam is mad you can see it in his eyes, in his face & his body language. He was relaxed. He was looking at me like mom, I'm playing. He said sorry more times than he ever has in a day. He was a complete brat when I was telling him to get ready because we had to take Bailey to meet up with her dad. But he wasn't fighting with me. In his eyes he was playing. In my eyes I was getting frustrated. This morning he asked he goes mom, I'm hungry, can you make breakfast. It was really early. I told him (and Gracie) to just wait. I wanted to get them breakfast a little later (8am) so they're not hungry before lunch. They said ok. Liam didn't throw a fit. Gracie kept whining & she wasn't up at 6ish like Liam was. I smiled at Liam. He smiled back showing his two top front teeth that are so loose they are crossing each other. haha He refuses to pull them or let us do it. He doesn't want them to bleed.

I'm getting my son back. My loving, funny, smiling, really goofy, not mad at the world, not getting mad at Bailey when she wants to play with him, sharing his toys, not getting mad while playing son. One day he'll be back 100%. Until then I'm counting my blessings. Praising his milestones.

I know that every thing is going to be ok.

When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.  -Franklin D. Roosevelt

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